via @seminolebetachi instagram page
Seminole High School is home to two prestigious programs, one of which being the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The IB program is a rigorous program that can often consume most of a student’s life, leaving little or no opportunity for social gatherings. This is where the club Beta Chi came in.
Beta Chi, founded by two of Seminole High School’s teachers, Mrs. Meahl and Mrs. Bordner, is a dynamic social club created to provide IB students with a much-needed escape from their academic pressures. The club focuses on building connections and friendships within the IB program through engaging, fun-filled events each month. With the rigorous IB curriculum demanding so much time and energy, Beta Chi offers a perfect environment for students to unwind and recharge.
The club organizes a variety of social events, from bowling night to an end of the year banquet, ensuring that every member finds something they enjoy. On September 21st Beta Chi hosted, arguably, their most popular event, the Beta Chi picnic.
The annual Beta Chi Picnic is one of the club’s most anticipated events, giving IB students a chance to unwind and have fun in the sun. This year’s picnic was packed with activities that kept everyone energized and entertained.
It is safe to say no one stayed dry at this year’s picnic as students drenched each other throughout the afternoon.
The only time students took a break from water activities was to watch the famous watermelon-eating competition, where students raced to finish their watermelon slices. The day continued with a 4-way tug of war where all four grades competed against one another and a 3 legged race where pairs raced to make it across the finish while tied to one another.
And of course what event would it be without food! There was an assortment of yummy pizzas, cookies and drinks for students to enjoy.
IB Freshman Sakina Daudaly, talked about her experience at her first Beta Chi Picnic. “The Beta Chi picnic was so much fun and definitely lived up to what everyone has told me about it. It was a much needed break from the busyness of high school! My favorite part was getting to dump water on all my friends and the tug of war was fun as well. Overall, I had a really good time and I’m excited to see what other events Beta Chi plans!”
Any IB students interested in joining this lively club, make sure to pay your dues on MySchoolBucks.com by October 11th! Be sure to follow Beta Chi on instagram @seminolebetachi to see what other events are in store for this year!