The SHS Varsity Baseball Team plays their first game of the season.
February 26, 2016
The SHS Varsity Baseball Team prepares for their journey into the 2016 season with skill practice, strength training and body conditioning. The orange and black uniforms single the team out as they compete in “America’s favorite pastime.” The 19 members of the team consist of dedicated and determined players.
Family and fans filled the stands at the SHS baseball diamond to support the players as they showcased their abilities in a preseason game against Orange County’s East River High School on Feb. 5. The ‘Noles finished their debut game victoriously with a score of 3-1.
While describing the game against East River, senior Zachary Wattman says, “The game against East River gave us the opportunity to show that we are here to win it all. Each game is used as another stepping stone to the next one and each player did just that. As a team, we used it as a way to see what we need to emphasize in practice to ensure that we are prepared for any team.”
On Feb. 10 the ‘Noles took on the Edgewater Eagles at the SHS field in the first regular home game of the season. Their preseason preparation showed as they made skillful throws, catches, slides, and runs during the nine innings of the game. The game ended in a win with a score of 5-4. Daily practice with instructions from their coaches, along with individual conditioning, batting exercises, and focus on the mental aspect of the game play roles in the players’ development to ensure a winning season.
While discussing practices, freshman Matthew Allan states, “We do a number of things at practice. Mainly we make sure we are fully stretched and our muscles are warm and then we work on different defensive activities. We’re also put into different situations so we are ready for them when they happen in a game. We also sometimes do inter-squad games [with JV] to see some live pitching. ”
The coaches and players anticipate a season of victories. In order to achieve this goal, they must continue to practice, while maintaining and improving their skills with a positive attitude.
When recounting the goals for the 2016 season junior Jack Hope says, “My goals for the season are to get stronger as a pitcher, get even closer with my teammates, and become a better teammate and to win.”
With determination and support, the ‘Noles’ baseball team awaits a triumphant season. Hard work, support, and frequent practicing are all major components for their success.