Students who were placed under lockdown were allowed to leave campus shortly after the long suspenseful scare.
March 16, 2017
On March 15, 2017, both Seminole High School and Millennium Middle School were placed on Code Red due to a shooting near the campuses. The Code Red was put in place around 1:45 p.m., which is after school hours on Wednesdays. Students were still on campus for after-school activities.
The Seminole vs. Lake Howell volleyball game and the Seminole vs. Lake Howell boys tennis match that was to be held at Seminole later that night were canceled and rescheduled.
Senior Mark Rey, varsity volleyball player, said, “I was very sad when I learned that they were canceling the game, but I would rather be safe than sorry. We really needed this game as another practice because we have 5 important district games back to back after spring break. This was our last game before things get serious.”
Not only were the sports games that were to be held at Seminole that night canceled, but all after-school activities were cancelled, as well. Students still on campus were told to immediately contact their parents and go home.
“I heard one of the coaches say that we were on a Code Red, and they made us go in the shack. We were in there for about 15 to 20 minutes,” said track member senior Jaiden Coleman. “I knew it was real, but I wasn’t worried because I just wanted to get back to practice because we have a meet tomorrow.”
Students, teachers, and community members who were not on campus stayed updated through social media such as Twitter about the situation. Both the suspect and the victim were identified as students who attend Seminole High. At 2:13 p.m. the Sanford Police Department tweeted that they caught the suspect and he was in custody.
No one on Millennium’s or Seminole’s campus was injured. Once the Code Red was lifted students were released, and parents were allowed to pick up their children at the Dr. Bill Vogel Gym (new gym) by Live Oak Boulevard.