Keerti Patil
Logo of BPA along with its slogan
Seminole High School has a wide array of clubs on its campus, ranging from creative clubs like Art and Writers Club, to things that are more professional-oriented, like Model United Nations and Girls Who Code. Business Professionals of America, or BPA, is one of these clubs.
BPA is a club where SHS students compete against each other on campus. Each group of students organizes a project that relates to aspects of business-related fields, then goes head-to-head with another group, with each of the teams vying for success above the others. These projects are assessed by a panel of judges who decide if you will move on and advance to the next stage.
“I’ve been in BPA since last year,” says IB junior Liyana Ahmed. “I decided to join it because a lot of my friends were in it, and I really thought it would be a cool, new experience, so I gave it a try. I can definitely say that it’s been a lot of fun.”
BPA is quite the significant club. It deals with teaching students how to handle things they may encounter in the real world. Students say that it’s the perfect club for those planning to pursue big careers in the future. It is very competitive, and students are taught to work together as teams and focus on the more important things.
“I got a lot closer with my other friends in BPA, and I learned a lot about teamwork and worth ethic,” Ahmed explains. “I lived away from my parents for a few days too when I ended up in nationals, which actually ended up being really fun. I mean, it’s a serious club, but we ended up at downtown Disney at Nationals once in California. It’s amazing, and I’ve made a lot of great memories.”
Students in BPA experience many new things because they’re in this club, and many have fond memories of it. The newer students are quite excited to be a part of it as well. IB sophomore Hassan Khan expresses this sentiment: “This is my first year, but I’ve heard a lot of good things. At first, I really only joined because I figured it’d look good on resumes and college apps, but even just being a few weeks in, BPA seems pretty cool. I’m looking forward to whatever comes next, and I’m looking forward to being the next team at nationals.”
By being in BPA, students get a chance to build their confidence and become more self-assured. “I’ve always been told that I need to speak out for myself more, so hopefully joining BPA can help me out with that. I know I’m confident, that’s for sure, but my public speaking skills absolutely need improving,” says Khan. BPA is a great opportunity to get yourself out there and into the world. Business is quite the broad field, with so many different options and careers where an individual can apply themselves. It’s no wonder BPA is full of many determined students.
“It’s hard,” says sophomore IB student Maryam Sheikh, “we all know that. But it is because of its difficulty that we end up learning so much in the end. If you’re thinking of joining BPA, then be ready for it. Jump into it determined. I think that’s the best way to start.”
BPA is a club that shapes young students’ minds to prepare them for a diverse future in business. It is a wonderful platform for students to grow, learn more about themselves, and the world they will soon be a part of. Though it’s competitive, and it may be difficult, it is, at the same time, helpful and important for a realistic, yet successful life.