With the beginning of the New Year Seminole High School has experienced security changes on its campus. One of the more apparent changes is the fact that Seminole High has posted “Keep this door locked at all times” sign posted on the doors of some its buildings. A school can never have enough security but students will start to question if they’re locked in at school.
Principal Mike Gaudreau reported, “We have started closing all gates in order to make the campus a one way in, one way out campus…As principal I must always anticipate what needs to be done to make the campus safe.”
Central Florida News has reported that Central Florida schools have increased their security ever since the tragic schools shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Principals have been asked to remain diligent in their security and to be extra aware of any suspicious behavior on or around campus.
Seminole High School does a good job of keeping their students safe by posting guards and staff around campus at all times—especially during lunches. Even though there is strong security, some students believe that walking delays are a downside of increased vigilance.
Senior Nirali Patel commented, “[I] think the school is making a good effort towards increasing security, but locking half of the gates and doors across campus while leaving others open really doesn’t make the campus safe.”
The locked campus also makes it harder for students to reach their classes as they can no longer use the back doors in Tribe. Patel noticed, “It takes me longer to get to my second and third period.”
Even though the security can be an inconvenience to some students while trying to get to their classes or in a building, other students believe it is for their benefit and safety. An anonymous student said, “Even though some kids might see the gates being locked as an inconvenience, I think they still realize that everything that has changed is for their own safety. “
Security always has room for improvement. Even if it seems like Seminole High School is safe, there is always more that can be done to make it more secure. Gaudreau stated, “We are also meeting with the district office next week to add more security fencing in certain areas. “
Seminole High School is doing everything it can to be making sure its students and faculty are safe, even if it causes some disturbances in some people’s routines. Security is always the number one thing on administrators minds and they constantly try to improve it, as shown by the new changes at Seminole.