The following article was published as a part of The Seminole’s 2014 April Fool’s issue! The information, quotations, and other content is completely fictitious and should not be considered a true representation of the school, the administration, or other governing entities.
Starting in the 2014-2015 school year, Seminole High School will be requiring uniforms for every grade. These uniforms are expected to save students both money and time, as well as lower the number of disciplinary referrals given out.
Dr. Connie Collins decided to approve this uniform idea due to the increase in dress code violations this year. Student compliance with dress code has declined, and administrators do not want students to keep missing school because of dress code referrals.
The attire for females will include
Black pleated skirts that come just above the knee and black shorts that come to the knee
Long black slacks that will be permitted on days when the temperature drops below 50 degrees
White collared blouses and black or white collared shirts, either short or long sleeved
White knee socks
Jumpers, which may become available.
Dr. Collins said, “I think these uniforms are really stylish and that the students will all love them as much as I do!”
Females will not be allowed to wear any hand or wrist jewelry, nor will they be allowed to wear any long, hanging earrings; only stud earrings will be allowed due to the distractions excessive jewelry cause.
“I think taking away our ability to wear hanging earrings and bracelets is ridiculous! I mean they’re already not lettings us wear what we want anymore; they’re crossing a line now,” said sophomore Jessup Eras.
Males will be permitted to wear
Black slacks or black shorts to the knee
White, black, and orange collared shirts
Freshman, sophomores, and juniors will be required to wear ties; seniors will not be required to wear ties as one of their senior privileges.
All students will be required to wear closed-toe shoes. Black and white cardigans will be available to students for purchase.
Regarding gym attire, students will have black sweatshirts and sweatpants available to them with the Seminole logo on them. Students will also have the option to wear grey t-shirts and black basketball shorts.
Gym uniforms are only allowed to be worn outside of gym class on Fridays; wearing a gym uniform outside of gym classes, more than one day a week will result in a dress code referral and a Wednesday afterschool detention.
Senior Frank Bodoni said, “I’m glad I’m leaving next year: these new uniforms are ridiculous. Seriously, getting dress code for wearing sweatpants more than once a week? Require knee socks every day? Seminole is getting ridiculous now.”
Please check the upcoming Seminole Newsletter for additional details on the subject.