Getting flu shots is an essential step to take in order to stay safe and healthy during the flu season.
January 22, 2019
With everyone sniffling, coughing, and sneezing, getting the flu this season might seem unavoidable. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that flu has resulted in 48.8 million illnesses in the past 2017-2018 season and more people continue to get affected each year. However, given certain conditions, you can decrease your ability to be infected during this flu season.
Doctors recommend that their patients receive flu shots each year to lower their chances of obtaining the flu. Those who get this vaccine are not only helping themselves, they are also helping other around them. By lowering their risk of becoming infected, they will not contribute to the spread of this virus.
There are many different types of flu shots available depending on your age and condition. The standard flu shot is given most frequently and is recommended for those who are 18 to 64 years of age. There are high-dose shots which are usually given to the elderly due to their lower immune system. In addition, there’s also the live attenuated influenza vaccine, otherwise known as the nasal spray vaccine, which is usually given to adolescents. It is important to note that while the nasal spray vaccine still lowers your chance of getting the flu, however, this option has a lower effectance rate compared to the other flu vaccine options.
Studies by the CDC show that in the 2017-2018 flu season flu vaccines were only 10 percent effective. However, reducing the risk, even if it is only 10 percent,is still better than contracting the flu. Some who get the e flu shot may be at a higher risk of side effects, due to their genetic makeup, so ask your doctor if the vaccine is right for you.
Another suggestion by CDC is to stay sanitary and eat a proper diet. Keeping clean significantly lowers your chances of acquiring the flu. Make sure you are washing your hands regularly and eating a healthy diet. Eating healthy can boost your immune system which will help your body to fight off germs and toxins in your system. More information regarding the Flu season is available at the Center of Disease Control and Prevention.
The Seminole County Health department has been working hard to treat and prevent the flu this year. During the 2018 flu season Seminole County was one of the most affected counties in Florida and had a higher number of outbreaks compared to other counties in Florida. More information regarding the Flu season in Seminole County is available at the Seminole County Health Department. Hopefully, with more awareness of the potential threat that the flu virus poses, students will take the right precautions to stay safe during this season.