Emaan Khan
November 27th Girls Soccer Game Vs West shore
On the evening of November 27th, Seminole High School’s Girls Soccer Team took to the field against West Shore High School. Team spirits were high as both West Shore and Seminole gathered for one last pep talk before playing, taking calculated positions on the field. The game began strong, the ball making it down to West Shore’s goal before it was quickly shot back across the field.
Much of the night’s match was spent keeping the ball away from either team, a continuous up and down on the wide area. It was 10 minutes from the end of the first quarter that West Shore made the first point against Seminole — a spanning kick that sent the ball hurtling towards the goal, too fast to be stopped.
However, Seminole quickly made up for it in the next quarter, striking a similar shot past West Shore’s goalie.
As the game went on, still a constant back and forth where both teams were determined to keep the ball away from their respective goals, Seminole scored in the final quarter and ended the game on a landslide 1 — 2.
The Girls Soccer Team of SHS brings back a resounding win for Nole Nation, and we applaud both SHS and WSHS for their wonderful and sportsmanlike efforts on the field! Go ‘Noles!