Gospel Choir hosts its annual Zumbathon at Seminole High School.
February 25, 2016
The annual Zumbathon, hosted by the Gospel Choir, returned to Seminole High on Saturday, Feb. 6. This was Seminole’s fourth annual Zumbathon and was held in the Old Gym.
Over 20 vendors, including Macy’s and various local businesses, helped sponsor the event and were present at the Zumbathon. Along with this, the sponsors held a raffle with gift baskets as prizes.
At the event, fast paced Hispanic, techno and hip hop music could be heard while different instructors performed dances on stage, made for the Zumbathon, for the participants to follow.
Junior Kayla Lashinger says, “I have been doing Zumba for years, so I am really happy Gospel Choir has put together this event. It was a great way to workout and then after be able to see the Gospel Choir perform.”
Regular tickets provided spectators with access to the event, which consisted of numerous zumba instructors who guided participants. V.I.P tickets were also sold for the event. This ticket provided zumba enthusiasts with five raffle tickets and access to the first three rows of the event.
Around 120 people were present at the Zumbathon, and after it was over, Gospel Choir performed a mashup of songs for participants.
“This was my first time doing Zumbathon and I didn’t know what to expect, but it was a great experience and I would go again. All the Gospel Choir members and instructors were full of energy and made sure we really enjoyed ourselves,” says junior Sagrario Suarez.
All money made from the event will support Gospel Choir and their journey to competition next year. Tickets were $5 at the door for students with an ID, and $15 for others, however prices may change next year.
Junior Alexia Green says, “As a member of Gospel Choir, Zumbathon is an important part in getting the funding we need for competition, as well as providing people with a great opportunity to get active.”
Zumbathon was a fun way let loose and raise money for an important aspect of Seminole High School.