Due to budget cuts, Seminole has move the 2016 graduation to SHS football field.
April 1, 2016
The following article was published as a part of The Seminole’s 2016 April Fool’s issue! The information, quotations, and other content is completely fictitious and should not be considered a true representation of the school, the administration, or other governing entities.
Due to funding shortages, the Seminole High School class of 2016’s graduation will be moved from the University of Central Florida (UCF) to Seminole High School’s football field. Teachers aren’t too happy about this change; they feel as though it would be hard to stop the other students from skipping class and attending the graduation.
Security guard William Harris says, “I can understand the concern of the teachers, but the SHS security team will be on the lookout for any students who shouldn’t be at the graduation. We plan to distribute wristbands to students who complete the form, and we will also have a list of names that we will be checking as students enter the field.”
Principal Dr. Connie Collins expects students who are planning to attend the graduation to complete the form previously mentioned as this will excuse them from the exams scheduled that day. The parents of the attending student must sign the form and a current Skyward report of the student’s grades must be attached. Any student with a gpa lower than a 3.57 will not be permitted to attend graduation.
Collins states, “We understand that students want to acknowledge the hard work of their peers, but we would not have enough seats for all the families of the seniors and the students of SHS.” Students with siblings who are graduating will be considered first, followed by students whose extended family is graduating. Students with friends graduating will not be allowed to attend.
Junior Amber Peterson comments, “I think it is very unfair that I will not be allowed to go to graduation. I have a lot of friends that are graduating and I should be able to celebrate with them on making it through high school. Graduating is a big part of life and it upsets me that I will not be there for them in such a momentous moment.”
Graduating seniors will be seated along the entirety of the track surrounding the football field. This will symbolize the eternal bond the 2016 class will share, even as they branch off into their own prospective futures. There will be a stage where the administration, salutatorians and valedictorians will be seated. This will allow easy access to the stage during the ceremony.