Homecoming Game Victory

Mahalla Hynes, Editor-in-Chief

Last night at Seminole a heated football game took place, where Seminole conquered Lake Mary at the highly anticipated game. Everyone was so excited for this game, and they filled the stands to watch it go down, surrounding the field from all sides. The pep rally and spirit week had only propelled the excitement for the game against Seminole’s rival. The whole game was full of chants, yells, and cheers. The band played strong, triumphant music throughout the game and the dazzlers and cheerleaders danced stirring up the crowd. 


The game began strong, with the Seminole defense becoming an invincible wall preventing Lake Mary from making it down the field. As the quarter progressed, there was a near interception with angry calls from the stands. Nothing can keep Seminole down, Lucas Fonseca forced a fumble causing  Seminole to get control of the ball again. Micheal Key then catches a pass and Justin Rosado Jr. catches another pass. Then Darren Lawrence gets the first down with a running play. In the next play Lawrence catches the ball from quarterback Luke Rucker as quarter 1 ends.


A first down is reached almost immediately in the second quarter. With Donta Whack running another first down. After a few more plays, Seminole is at a 4 and 6, but they take a risk and go for it. This risk allowed us to score our first touchdown. With a pass and a run, Key makes touchdown number one of the game. Then the two-point conversion is scored, as well. 


After a stellar kickoff, Lake Mary tries to get down the field, but Andrelous Graham sacks the Lake Mary quarterback and they are pushed back to the Seminole 18-yard line. After a successful 24 yard pass from Lake Mary and a few failed tackles, Kameron Moore is able to successfully take down the running Lake Mary player. Then the tables turn as Ja’cari Henderson intercepts the ball and makes a touchdown after running from the other side of the field. 


After the ball is given back to Lake Mary, the Seminole defense forces them to punt. Then Whack runs a first down, Lawrence catches the ball for another first down, and Javion Hayes trucks it down the field allowing Moore to score another touchdown with a 2-point conversion.


Then it was halftime, the band gave a stupendous performance. The homecoming court was presented and the king and queen crowned. The queen is Carmen Wu, and the king is Micheal Carroll. 


When the third quarter began, Seminole had the ball but was unable to make a first down causing a turnover. The Seminole defense kicked into gear. Demari Henderson recovered a fumble for a 42-yard touchdown and everyone broke out into cheers. Soon after this, there was another highlight for Henderson as he caught an interception. 


After this, the game became more disappointing. Three unsportsmanlike conducts penalties were called against Seminole allowing Lake Mary to score a touchdown. Then Lake Mary scored another touchdown within the final seconds of the game. 


These unsportsmanlike conduct penalties frustrate head coach, Eric Lodge, as he made very clear in his huddle after the game, saying “they had to do a better job if they wanted to win the state championship, [so] they have some business to take care of next week.” 


He told his team “we are better than this. [he] expect[s] more out of [Seminole’s team.]” To make sure these things will not happen again Lodge said “they were going to run a lot” on Monday, giving the classic punishment for athletes. 


After the game, there was a heartwarming proposal aided by the screen on the scoreboard, so one of the football coaches could become engaged.


All in all, it was a great cap off to a stellar homecoming week full of spirited students showing their love for their school and community that is always apparent at football games.