By: Jillian Lachcik, Reporter
In the last few months, one terrorist group has made the heads of Americans turn in every direction: ISIS. The group has continuously been terrorizing the lives of those in Iraq, Syria, and more.
The group originated from one of the most infamous terrorist groups, Al Queda in Iraq, and reinvented themselves as the group known today as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). They began to seize territory of Syria and the capital of Iraq, Baghdad, in 2008, and the groups main purpose is to create a regional Sunni caliphate, or Islamic state. However, ISIS does not do things peacefully, to say the least; the group is bloodthirsty.
Over the years, ISIS has slaughtered innocent men, women, and children to try and create their new form of government. The events that have made Americans listen in the past few months though, are the beheadings of American journalists who went into the country to gather information, as well as the mass murders of civilians in Syria.
Senior Selena Henriquez says, “The group to me is insane, and I hope that our troops and our country can stop them!”
President Barack Obama and the United States military have finally decided to retaliate against the group, and they are planning to launch at least 150 airstrikes in Iraq against them. In a speech that was given recently, Obama vowed that the United States would “degrade and eventually destroy the militant group.”
Junior Jarryd Williams says, “ISIS has been slaughtering people long enough and it’s great that the United States is doing something about it.”
Besides the United States, over 40 different countries are planning to help out to stop the group. It is still unclear what each country will precisely be doing, but it is certain that many countries have in fact agreed to contribute to the fight against ISIS.
However, some details are known about what some countries will be doing to help and what their contributions will be. Australia is most likely going to send military advisors over into Iraq, but the country will not participate in ground fighting. Saudi Arabia has agreed to host United States efforts to train and equip Syria’s opposition forces. Great Britain has vowed to confront ISIS, and supply humanitarian help to battle the terrorist group.
There are plenty of other countries willing to help stop the group as well, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and Turkey. Obama stated in his most recent speech, “American military power is unmatched, but this can’t be America’s fight alone.”
Senior Francisco Munoz says, “America has undeniable power to stop the group, but with all of these countries teaming up, the forces to end ISIS will be unstoppable.”