By: Katelyn Liston, Reporter
Pick up an application outside of Ms. Lauber’s classroom (R-016)! Applications are due March 12th to Ms. Lauber. Applicants will then be reviewed and interviewed before decisions are made.
Ms. Natalie Lauber, Advising Teacher
“Because of you….and you, and you, and you, and you [points to staffers]. Because of my staff; they’re amazing! They work together in a way that would be difficult to integrate in most other courses. Everyone steps up to the challenge and the results are amazing!”
Paige Fry, Editor in Chief
“In newspaper, I have found a sense of reason and achievement. Never before have I been in an environment of such growth and pure knowledge. As a staff, we learn to improve ourselves—not to fill in mindless circles on wasteful scantrons. The many elements that I have acquired from being on staff are honestly irreplaceable, and with these tools, I am now able to sufficiently set myself up towards reaching my dream career of being an editor for a nationally recognized magazine. As I travel to new lands and to greater heights, my memories from being on staff will be the most missed from my high school years.”
Bobbi Zahn, Activities Manager
“I like that you can be published before you can graduate high school, and how you can get real life experience from this class.”
Natalie Lambert, Content Manager
“I like newspaper because I think despite having many different kinds of people in newspaper, we still manage to get a semblance of work done at the end of the day.”
Killian Johnson, Business Manager
“I like newspaper because it made me friends with Kadin….and because there are a lot of opportunities.”
Camila Mota, Copy Editor
“Newspaper has given me the opportunity to improve my skills as a journalist and to be part of a swag staff.”
Gigi Gadamsetty, Copy Editor
“I think it’s a great way to reach out to the community. As a member of the newspaper staff, I have also gotten the opportunity to see what Seminole is like. I can’t wait to continue my journey as a part of this great publication.”
Kadin Daigle, Copy Editor
“I enjoy newspaper because I can express myself in a creative way.”
Michelle An, Copy Editor
“I like newspaper because we have a food cabinet.”
Aida Lashinsky, Videographer
“Filming is cool!”
Whitten Bumbalough, Photography Manager
“I just do.”
Isabella Rivera, Photographer
“My favorite thing is getting to know people closer and working together. I like taking pictures, and I’ve learned a lot about using templates and such.”
Adriana Ochoa, Photographer
“I like newspaper because although we learn a lot, we’re all there for each other.”
Adrian De Guzman, Reporter
“Because there are a lot of people and it allows me to write. It’s a good place to write for entertainment and recreation.”
Brea Jones, Photographer
“Because it helped me enhance my photography skills.”
Erin King, Photographer
“I like how we became a family that can support and rely on each other.”
Jillian Lachcik, Reporter
“I like that I met a lot of new people and made a lot of new friends, and it’s a great way to improve your writing skills.”
Katelyn Liston, Reporter
“I love newspaper because it lets me argue my opinions to people other than my mom.”
Katherine Lachcik, Reporter
“I like newspaper because everyone works together really well, and I’m really independent so I like having the opportunity to do my own thing and think outside of the box.”
Logan Zelk, Reporter
“I just found myself here.”
Marium Shaikh, Reporter
“I like newspaper because there are so many different things to write about, the possibilities are endless. I also like newspaper because it allows me to be aware of school/world happenings.”
Norbert Savard, Reporter
“Although we have work, we still have fun annoying Ms. Lauber with Nicolas Cage pictures.”
Patrick Murphy, Reporter
“Because I can express my creativity freely, and I can have the student body see what I think.”