Looping music is when a digital delay device, or computer, is used to record and replay sounds. They can either remain limited to simple repeated phrases or they can be combined to create one complex sound. Looping music has been around for a while but it is just now catching on and is even considered its own branch of music.
An anonymous junior said, “I think it would [cool]. I think it adds a special effect to the music going on. It would be really good to use for a DJ or dance party.”
BOSS products are used by musicians who loop their music all over the world and use better technologies to loop music with special effects. They also hold a showcase to capture the top looping musicians around the world. The first prize winner of 2013, the completion was held in January, was Grison Beatbox from Spain. This contest is held annually.
While the name “Looping” isn’t widely known the action of looping is. Sophomore Tori Stratis said, “It can sound cool as long as the quality of the song is good. I’ve never heard of that term but yes I know what it is.”
Many artists today use this technique. A recent example is Beyoncé performing at the Superbowl, some parts of her song were repeated when she wasn’t singing them. May artists use this technique to enhance the quality of their song and this technique adds a special effect to songs that otherwise couldn’t have been there.
Junior Tom Nguyen said, “I like it when the artist uses this technique because it sounds better to my ears.”
Looping music is an innovative way of transforming music and adding features to songs that would’ve never been thought possible fifty years ago. Modern day artists are using this now more than ever and through this a new age of music is emerging by the use of this technology.