Mental Health At Seminole: How Nearpods May Help

Gwyneth Katker

Each year Seminole High School goes through mental health videos and information through nearpod.

Christina Davenport, Reporter

As students, we have all become familiar with the mental health nearpods presented by the county to help address mental health and bring awareness to substance abuse. The nearpods vary in length and each addresses mental illnesses such as drug addiction, depression, and anxiety. They also discuss suicide prevention and provide contact information for those in need.

The creation of these nearpods were made to celebrate national mental health day on Oct. 10. This annual program was created as a way to bring more attention to mental illness and its effects on individual life, work, family, and overall stability of communities. The number of suicides happening in America is gradually rising, directly addressing this issue would be the best choice. Generally, we’d all assume the nearpods should be helpful, however, few students believe the nearpods are unnecessary and some students are not participating.

“The nearpods seem helpful when brought up in conversation as an idea but you have to remember that the majority of the high school doesn’t actually pay attention to the videos. The videos are made to help students who struggle in school with mental health but most students think the activity doesn’t approach the topic well enough for students,” said Seminole High School student, Sahara Alam.

Teachers all over Seminole County usually stress the importance of the Mental Health Nearpods. Nearpods hold questions for the students so they can hold students accountable for taking the small mental health courses and reflect on their actions. Each question correlates to the topic of the nearpod and some vary by asking what you would do in a certain situation. The course overall applies to a general population of students who tend to suffer from depression or anxiety while attending high school. Many students agree that these nearpods actually help themselves and others who suffer.

“The nearpods, while seem time consuming, I’ve learned to actually be pretty helpful. The numbers are shown at the end of the slide probably have reached a lot more students than if the mental health nearpods weren’t made mandatory,” said Seminole High School Student, Ashley Fernandez.

There is absolutely no doubt the importance of showing these nearpods especially during our current situation with the Global Pandemic. With Covid-19 shutting doubt amusement parks, schools, stores, and even outside traveling, the adjustment may end up being a lot tougher than those who would’ve imagined it. 

“Covid really brought down, I feel the entire world population because of every new change being made to ensure we are in the safest environment possible. With those changes some people will come to adjust a lot quicker than others which could make them feel like they’re alone, which they’re not,” said Sahara Alam.

According to a 2015 assessment by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, approximately 45 percent of the nation’s homeless population is suffering from mental illness. Also, more than 1.7 million veterans received treatment for mental illness in 2018 alone. With these large groups suffering consequences of mental illness, it is important that we begin promoting more fervently the social change required to help those with mental illness. It’s important to stay connected with those around you and reach out whenever you need to speak to someone whether that be a close friend or family member, or even a school teacher or counselor.