Seminole High School has added an environmental club to better the community and promote more recycling.
August 24, 2019
The Environmental Club aims to bring recycling to Seminole High School and educate students on environmental issues. The mission of the Environmental Club is to provide students with the opportunity to participate in Florida’s clean up projects, while gaining community service hours and spread awareness about environmental issues to other peers.
The Environmental Club will be holding their first informational meeting on Monday, August 26th on the main campus library at 2:30pm and will be posting updates via their Instagram @shsenviroclub.
The Environmental Club hopes to engage and educate the community on the topic of Global Warming through social media posts and through clean up events.
Co-founders of Environmental Club, Moira Naomi Martinous and Ben Apple, both Seniors at Seminole High School, are passionate about creating positive change in their community through preserving and nurturing the Earth. Martinous started this club because she “felt a lack of care and awareness within our community on the topics of global warming and habitat destruction”. Young men and women like, Martinous and Apple, serve as role models in the Seminole community inspiring others to take care of the environment.
Martinous has always had a love for animals and the earth but what pushed her to start this club was a family vacation to Iceland over spring break. She states that, “we witnessed the glaciers melting at an extremely fast pace, due to climate change. Seeing the ice melt right before my eyes made it all so substantive and drove me to spread awareness. However, realizing that not everyone can fly to Iceland to understand the issue, I knew it was imperative to find another way to emphasize and educate about it. That’s what led me to co-founding the Environmental club!”
Martinous also believes that, “Seminole’s treatment towards the environment is substandard. It is imperative that the Seminole High School as a community is informed on the issue and makes a change. The amount of trash that is thrown around is absurd and the amount of single use plastics is detrimental to our environment”. She hopes to improve this through the implication of The Environmental Club on campus.
Brianna Tremblay, an IB junior at Seminole High School, takes part in Environmental Club to “spread awareness to peers about things we can do to make our planet healthier.” Tremblay strongly supports the idea of this club on campus and is excited for recycling and clean up initiatives to be implicated on campus this year.
IB junior, Jayden Matheny, thinks that “having an environmental club will be extremely beneficial not only for our school, but for our community” and is very excited to be a part of the recycling movement at Seminole High School.
Seminole High School faculty are also excited for the emergence of an environmental club. Mr. Cole, an Advanced Placement Environmental Sciences teacher believes that “bringing a recycling program to SHS would be awesome” and that “any organization that brings awareness to environmental issues is a great idea”. Cole is very optimistic about the future generation and how they will combat environmental issues. According to Cole, “there is nothing more awesome than watching the future of America come up with creative solutions to the environmental problems we face.”
With organizations like the Environmental Club at Seminole students are encouraged to better their communities all the while being educated and spreading awareness of environmental issues.