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New graduation dates have been discussed by SCPS to recognize our 2020 seniors.
Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, school districts around the nation have been forced to cancel school for an extended period of time. This came as a big hit to the seniors especially since they realized they may not be able to attend formal graduation, prom, or other senior celebrations like the classes before. Though it did not matter to some in light of the bigger, global issue of thousands of people passing, the Seminole County Public Schools district wanted to do something for their seniors to give the best of the current circumstances. The principals and administration of all of the high schools, including Dr. Jordan Rodriguez of Seminole High school, decided the following new events to take place for the graduating class of 2020.
As for graduation, the district has stated that on June 12 at 8:20 p.m., all schools in Seminole County will hold their own graduation ceremony on their respective football fields. In case of any rain that night, SCPS has also created a “rain-plan” for graduation to be postponed to the next day, June 13 at 8:20 a.m. Each school will also live-stream the event for spectators unable to attend in person. Provided that social distancing rules have not been lifted by the June date, the graduation ceremony will be further postponed to July 17 at 8:20 p.m. This ceremony will have a similar “rain-plan” for the next morning and will also be live-broadcasted.
Furthermore, all SCPS high schools are planning an evening of solidarity to recognize the Class of 2020 by turning on all of their football stadium lights on April 20 at 8:20 p.m. This reoccurring time of 8:20 for graduation and the stadium lights are to represent the class of 2020, as 8:20 on the 24-hour clock is 20:20.
In place of a traditional prom, SCPS high schools will be holding their own school dances. They are to be held on June 11 and will be free for all seniors. Schools are also in the process of refunding any prom ticket purchases. In any case, where the dance cannot occur on June 11, the backup date is set for July 16. While the school dances will not be the same as a traditional prom, SCPS hopes to still create a formal and memorable night for the seniors.
“I like the idea of this new school dance and that I will get to wear my prom dress for this and still be able to put the dress to use. Also, I am happy to meet with my friends one more time before they all graduate and go their separate ways,” said senior Zoe Routson.
Despite these trying times, especially for the graduating class of 2020, and the extra stress compounded on them, Seminole County Public Schools is still making an effort to try to make the seniors’ last year the best year it possibly can be given the current circumstances. For more information and to stay updated about the current situation and for any more postponements, click here.