Seminole High has introduced a new parking lot for underclassmen.
April 25, 2016
Due to the increased need among students at Seminole High School for additional parking, a new parking lot has been opened up to students. The new lot has been named the “Reservation Lot” and is located behind Millennium Middle School.
The cost for students to park is 20 dollars. To apply, students must hold a valid Florida driver’s license along with proof of insurance. The distance from the Reservation Lot to Seminole High is further away than the rest of the parking lots. The gates to the Reservation lot will also be locked during the school day, so students will have limited access.
Anonymous says, “I think it is [unfair] that they lock the cars in; it is not necessary. If the cars weren’t locked in, it would be a little better, but it is still a far walk to the school from the lot.”
Students who are admitted to park in this lot will be restricted to this lot only. Students with access to the Reservation lot are not permitted to park in regular junior or senior parking.
Junior Naddav Rubina says, “I’m glad they have the parking lot, but I’m not happy that they lock it after a certain time. I can’t make it to my car and back in time for after school activities. Today I didn’t drive to school, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to get my car in time. I don’t mind the walk there, but they shouldn’t lock it.”
The parking lot is aimed at sophomores who could not receive a parking pass earlier on in the year, but it is open to all students who can drive. There is plenty of space available so students should make their way to bookkeeping in order to apply for a pass.While the new parking lot is beneficial to students, complaints have risen regarding the distance to the lot.
Junior Iswarya Chigurupati says, “I think it is good [that] the school recognizes the need for more parking. However, the walk from the parking lot to school is too far and the cars should not be locked in. A lot of people leave because they feel sick or have an appointment.”
Despite this, the parking lot does provide a larger space for students to park their cars, and the price decrease will also help students save money. Passes will have to be renewed at the beginning of next year.