Students at Seminole have heard about hoverboards and their rising popularity.
March 8, 2016
Hoverboards were introduced in 2015 and grew in popularity due to peoples’ interest in being able to move without walking. Many people are excited because similar mechanisms were used in the movie “Back to the Future 2” and now these advancements have been invented, providing a new frontier for travel.
Junior Elijah Crane says, “[Hoverboards] are popular for the same reason that Ripsticks were. They are rolling idiot machines that catch on fire.”
Hoverboards are basically scooters with no handles. One uses their balance to steer, turn, and move the hoverboard. There are pressure-sensitive pads that allow the person riding to control the speed and direction. When getting on the hoverboard it automatically begins to move, making it hard to get on and off. The hoverboard makes the riders use their calves, thighs and core while keeping balance while moving. To move forward riders lean forward and the opposite when moving backwards.
“[Hoverboards] provide an easier mode of transportation than walking, allowing for faster travel,” says freshman Amon McKinney.
There are several types of hoverboards that have weight ranges so that people do not break it when they step on it. Most of the boards have maximum weights throughout the 200 to 299 pounds range, and minimum weights around 45 pounds. Also, hoverboards usually can go up between 30 and 40 degrees inclines.
Prices usually range from $800 to $1,800, depending on the brand and if the hoverboard has any other perks. Some of the hoverboards have a range of colors and even some can be customized with several colors. Most hoverboards have a one year warranty on them. Also, the speed of a hoverboard can range from six miles per hour to 12 miles per hour. On a full battery, some boards run from eight to 20 hours.
“I think that hoverboards are cool because they allow the rider to work out their legs and core. If [the hoverboard battery] exploded I would just buy a new hoverboard,” says junior Dexter Bell.
Hoverboards are now allowed on public roads; if the person riding is over 16, then they are allowed to ride if they are wearing a helmet and they are on a road that has a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less. The people riding can only ride 15 miles per hour and stay in the bike lanes. If the riders violate the rules there can be a fine of $250.
After the raise in popularity in the hoverboards and many people buying them, a problem occurred. The lithium batteries started to catch fire. When the batteries overheated they would explode. New batteries are around $300.
Mckinney also says, “[I wouldn’t buy a hoverboard] because that is a waste of my time and money.”
Even though hoverboard sales are still rising due to new color schemes and new improvements, there are still problems with the batteries that are now making more people hesitant to buy them.