Seminole High School’s (SHS) first theatrical production of the year occurred over three days last week, from October 12th-14th. They presented Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, a heartfelt drama that explores themes of family, social responsibility, and accountability. Taking place after World War II, the play follows conflict in the Keller family and is centered around the missing of Larry Keller. It also encompasses Joe Keller’s airplane part manufacturing business, which caused the death of twenty-one American soldiers. Joe Keller was responsible for shipping the defective parts, which was unbeknownst to the rest of the family. That is, except for Larry, who had supposedly gone missing. By the end of the play, reasons for Larry’s disappearance were addressed in a letter he wrote and Joe Keller was confronted for the deaths of the soldiers. The play ended in a shocking, almost abrupt manner that filled the audience with disbelief and sharp feelings of sorrow.
Everyone did a phenomenal job putting the play together and it took a lot of effort from the director, producer, stage manager, technical, set, art, lighting, and sound directors, actors, etc. They all play a valuable role in the making of the play, and no position should be undermined. The set was absolutely brilliant and it was clear that there was a lot of thought put into the structure and decoration of the Keller house. The house featured two stories, a vibrant lawn with a vegetable garden and seating area, along with hanging clothes, decorative wallpaper, and dainty curtains as ornaments. The actors were passionate as if the audience could truly feel their aches and emotions. Their voices projected across the audience and the lights and sounds created a setting almost like they were fully immersed in the story, watching the Keller family dispute in real time.
Mr. Cortelli, second year theater teacher here at SHS, has been by these thespians’ sides throughout the whole play. Cortelli chose this play for numerous reasons, one of them being the fact that it was a memorable and challenging play that he performed in his senior year of college. He experienced the “challenges brought about this play, especially since it takes place in a different time period.” He believes that this play has brought so many connections and enjoyment to students while expanding their horizons and knowledge. Cortelli has one message for all of his theater students who have helped this play come together: “I want you [all] to enjoy the moment and truly let the payoff of your hard work soak in.”
Cayman Stranahan, a senior here at SHS who played the lead love interest in the play, shares her experience working on the play: “the cast is very small, and it’s been easy for them to bond and make inside jokes with one another. There are year-long traditions that the cast still takes a part in before every show, along with all gathering together in a circle and reflecting with one another.” She also says “this play is perfect for anyone who loves hot gossip. Every character has a secret so be ready for those to come out!”
The costume director for this play, Lucinda Robbins, a SHS Junior, has enjoyed working on this play and was excited to see the production come to life. She says, “this play is dramatic, exciting, and has a really special twist at the end. The play was written by Arthur Miller, who also wrote The Crucible, so it is definitely worth seeing.” Lucinda also commented on how much work has been put into the show, and she is proud of her fellow thespians and all the passion and love put into everything.
Special shoutouts go to all of those who helped put this masterpiece together:
Mr. Cortelli, Director
Mrs. Elliott, Producer
Mr. Johnson, Set Builder
Brayden D’Abbondanza, Joe Keller
Gia Meyers, Kate Keller
Jaden Adams, Chris Keller
Cayman Stranahan, Ann Deever
Andrew Kravchuck, George Deever
Brandon Wynn, Dr. Jim Bayliss
Amalia Penarredonda, Sue Bayliss
Ocean Debarros, Frank Lubey
Emma Wadley, Lydia Lubey,
Tyler Wynn, Bert
Azalea Bullock, Ann Deever/Frank Lubey/Understudy
Ella Amir, Stage Manager
Kallie Cummings, ASM
Oliver Peterson, Technical Director/Set Designer
Gabby Gonzales, Assistant Technical Director
L. Mairs, Publicity Manager/Dramturge
Melina Bjishkian, Hair Director
Samual Gomez, Sound Director
Tyler King, Lighting Director
Emiley Tupper, Composer
ZaKarey Harris, Set Director
Taylor Jade, Art Director
Kiara Valle, Props Director
Ariana Valle, Costume Director
Lucinda Robbins, Makeup Director
Ashley Katz, House Manager
You all did a wonderful job and on behalf of SHS and The Seminole Times, we look forward to your future productions.