Rachel Lanspery
Shopping second hand is a great affordable option to buy clothing. Not only is it cost effective but it is also environmentally friendly.
With increasing attention being placed on the human impact on the environment, many have tried to make changes to their own lifestyle. Fast fashion is a major concern for environmental activists. Often clothes are produced cheaply, meant to be worn only a few times and be thrown away. This generates a lot of waste, some of which is polyester, which is basically plastic and does not decompose. This waste contributes to your carbon footprint, which is the opposite of what is needed when you are trying to have less of an effect on the environment. To have less of this effect many people are beginning to buy their clothes second hand at thrift shops.
Shopping second-hand has far less of an effect on the environment because nothing new is being produced. This means cotton, linen, or animal hair does not have to be raised and harvested. Petroleum does not need to be used to make rayon or polyester for clothes. Additionally, the clothes you are buying do not have to just be thrown away. Giving clothes to donation facilities like Good Will does not always mean it is used because if no one is buying them, they are just going to throw the clothes away, so by buying second-hand clothes you are not only preventing clothes from going into landfills but allowing more clothes to be donated and sold.
Thrifting allows you to find things you would not be able to get in a regular store. There is a compilation of clothes from every local boutique or chain clothing store, meaning you essentially have access to every store near you without having to travel to numerous stores. Each store has its own style, but thrift stores have every style from vintage dresses to graphic tees.
Some people are not encouraged to go to thrift stores because it seems like you are looking for a needle in a haystack. It can be discouraging to search and search and not find anything you like or anything in your size. However, thrifting can be seen as a small treasure hunt, but there are other solutions. If you still want to go into the store, figuring out the store’s layout can make things easier. This way you can bypass the things you know you won’t like or what is not your size. If you just walk right past the sections that aren’t your size, you will not be disappointed when something is not your size. These tactics can help you get to what you want quickly. Additionally, there are online options for thrifting, where you can search for something specific and find clothing much easier. Thrifting allows you to look for something you really want because looking for items is extremely rewarding. The first easter egg is far less rewarding than the last. The principle applies here
On top of all that, thrifted clothing is so much cheaper. Instead of spending forty dollars on one pair of pants, you can buy two whole outfits, giving you an opportunity to not only fill your closet with more environmentally friendly clothes but can fill your closet up more. Your budget will stretch further than you could imagine.
Some people worry that when more people shop in thrift shops who do not need to, the people who have to will not be able to find clothes there, but these stores tend to be overflowing with available merchandise, so you are not taking opportunity away from people who need it because merchandise is already in excess.
Shopping second-hand is an important part of making the planet better for future generations and saving money.