Any community can have several centers for the performing arts; in such a case, a center is referred to as the ‘Community Theatre.’ The community theatre is open to anyone wanting to participate in the art of acting, including children, teenagers, and adults. Seminole High School has its very own theatre company, but some of these students have branched out and joined the community theatre to expand their theatre experience through new opportunities.
Each theatre has a different system of letting people in and it usually involves an audition for the part the student would like to play.
Senior Alanna Fagan gives this advice to people thinking about joining: “Dive head in. Find a show and a program you’re interested in and just do it. If it doesn’t work out the first time, don’t be scared to go back and try another company.”
Fagan describes community theatre as “[…] a brilliant experience getting to know these people from various backgrounds and at various points in their lives.”
Sophomore Alex Lowie offered this advice for anyone joining community theater: “Don’t worry about what part you get and don’t worry about making friends because there will always be people who want to talk to you.”
An anonymous sophomore had a similar experience to Community Theater as Fagan. “It means being given the chance to get my feet wet in this business at an early age, and to be able to learn, take new risks and make new discoveries onstage in a no-pressure atmosphere. It’s a great opportunity for performance experience and to hone my craft.”
Sophomore Rachel Jankech commented about her community theatre group, “I love them all dearly, and they really made me feel like I belonged there.” Jankech also said that “It’s been shown that theater improves kids’ grades as well as their self-esteem and confidence; and is a really positive thing to get into.”
While not all students have the chance to get involved in the local theatre, junior Alexa Roscoe is thinking about it. “I think it would be fun and you gain experience, plus you get to meet new people. “
Participation in community theatre can provide enrichment and expanded opportunities past those available through the school. It provides a greater diversity of players who come from all backgrounds and social groups, exposing students to other aspects of their communities outside of the school grounds.
Community theatre is just that – community coming together to entertain. The next time you see a casting call for your local theatre group, think about auditioning. It just may change your life!