SHS Food Drive
Each year Seminole High School hosts a food drive. This allows people to donate canned goods that will go to those in need.
December 1, 2020
In cooperation with Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC), Health Academy, and SHS Leadership, SHS hosted a food drive from the dates November 2nd-13th. Despite the unconventional circumstances, the food drive occurred successfully with plenty of food collected. The main objective of the fair was to collect non-perishable foods to donate to homeless shelters, and more commonly homes without proper money to acquire food.
“Specifically, the food drive was a special community service project made possible by the joint effort between HS Leadership, HOSA, Health Academy, and AFROTC. However, rather than giving it to a specific organization like other events, the food collected will be donated to 60 plus families in need in the SHS community”, explains HOSA co-advisor and Health Academy Teacher Mary Stump.
With the unique position and conditions of this past year, the food drive has been more helpful than ever for SHS families in need. COVID-19 left many small-business owners, laborers, and other workers unemployed. As a result, many families and households lost their main source of income. Though the government attempted to provide those in need with extra revenue, many were still left penniless or forced to live off their savings or retirement funds, detrimentally impacting their future circumstances. Food drives, such as those hosted at SHS, are incredibly beneficial to those experiencing such trouble due to a lack of sufficient income.
During previous years, the food drive was extremely successful.
“We have done this in the past, and it always seems to be a success. Ms. Jackson from Leadership does a phenomenal job coordinating this effort. We also have assistance from our school Social Workers. It is a team effort”, recounts Stump.
However, due to unfortunate circumstances, this year’s food drive was expected to be minimally beneficial or rewarding due to a lack of donations. Many students had chosen to stay at home, taking Seminole Connect rather than face-to-face. As a result, very few students even knew about the food drive, which led to speculation of few donations collected. Countermeasures were placed to rebut this and battle the lack of awareness: fliers were placed outside buildings or around the campus for the face-to-face students, and information was placed strategically online in the newsletter, announcements, and the SHS website for Connect students. The clubs involved in this community service project were also made aware of the event, allowing more Connect students to know of the event. Connect students who were made aware were able to donate using available boxes in the front office to donate the food.
Despite obvious obstacles and apparent troubles, the fall food drive was a tremendous success and a generous bout towards society.
“Though there was not a set goal in mind, I feel we were very successful. HOSA and Health Academy students provided more than 500 non-perishable items, while ARTOC provided turkeys in light of Thanksgiving”, expresses Stump.
Thanks to the amazing work done by the students and faculty of HOSA, Health Academy, SHS Leadership, and AFROTC, the SHS Food Drive was a pleasant success. The spread of information or awareness, organization, and execution paid off. Hopefully, future opportunities like it will present themselves soon.
Stump concludes that “I am not sure at this point, but I am always open for ideas. We must do what we can to help those who are less fortunate. These are unprecedented times right now, we all need to do our part.”
Donations Needed:
Non-perishable items that are not expired or damaged such as: Peanut Butter, Jelly, Cereal,
Canned meats, Fruits, and Vegetables, Soups, Stuffing Mix, Gravy, Instant
Mashed Potatoes, and Macaroni and Cheese
Drop-off Locations:
Ninth-Grade center Front Office
Mrs. Stump’s Room 44-119
Mrs. Jackson’s Room 41-107
Main Campus Health Academy Teachers
Main Campus Front Office
For more information contact:
Health Academy Teachers