By: Marium Shaikh, Reporter
With recent advancements in technology, anything can be accessed in seconds. Schools have taken advantage of this, creating new websites and apps to ensure that students are able to have the best possible experience in their education. Skyward and Remind101 are among these advancements.
Skyward launched in 1980 as “Jim King and Associates” software firm. Over the years, it was turned into an administration site for schools to keep track of student grades. The Seminole County school district picked up on this useful tool in 2011, and began to promote its use to students and families in the county.
Skyward is a wonderful tool for students and their parents. It provides up-to-date, accurate information which includes various factors that help students manage their education. These factors include: academic history, activities, schedules, graduation requirements, student grades, assignments, and attendance.
Junior Marisa Toledo says, her parents check skyward “on a daily basis to stay aware of my grades.”
Skywards features are all beneficial and are easily accessible to parents. The parent may check the student’s grades and attendance frequently and provide motivation throughout the course of the students schooling. Parents and Skyward are working together to promote lifelong achievement. Skyward is a great tool that will promote academic success in all students.
Another major advancement in the history of technology in education is the establishment of Remind101, a safe and effective one way text-message communication service for teachers to communicate with students and to keep parents updated about what goes on in the school day. With this service, teachers keep students and parents alert of upcoming tests, quizzes and due dates.
Karin Ishak says, “My math teacher uses it almost every day to remind me of important things like quizzes and tests.”
The use of Skyward and Remind101 amongst parents, teachers and students is an essential part to the academic accomplishment of students. Teacher-parent contact leads to success; parent accessibility to these text messages will serve as a means of motivation for students to achieve high standards in school. Parents will be mindful of upcoming tests, quizzes, and due dates encouraging their children to complete their assignments on time and to the best of their ability.
Sophomore Jessica Costley says, Skyward has helped her improve in school, “Yes, It’s easier to see missing assignments and what you need to improve upon.”
Skyward and Remind101 are two of the many beneficial services available to students and parents. New technology is a crucial part of academic achievement; these advancements allow achievement to be possible for each and every student.