Senior Class Council members Dynasty Sutton (Left), Karina Verma, Isabella Laroche, Austin Hertz, Selena Awaad, Christine Doria, and Gage Cagle (Right) along with Seminole Teacher Adam Carpenter getting soaked to support the Senior Class.
On Friday, November 1st Senior Class Council hosted their Soak a Senior event during both lunches. Students paid $2 and in exchange received a rubber duck and a bucket of water to pour on a participating senior of their choice. This event was held in efforts to fundraise money for Senior Class activities in the works.
Senior Class council member Gage Cagle shared, “My favorite part of the event was getting splashed by 3 different people at the same time. I was initially complaining that no one was splashing me, but then a bunch of people got me, and then I was satisfied for the rest of the day”. Cagle emphasized how fun the event was in both the planning and participating stage.
Spectator and Senior Nathan Mcginley stated, “I thought it was absolutely hilarious to watch, everyone’s reactions were so funny”. This event was held outside the cafeteria and anyone could come up and watch regardless of if they were participating. Mcginley
Ultimately, these events help bring together the senior class and are an excuse to have fun. To stay up to date with this year’s activities hosted by Senior Class Council, make sure to follow their Instagram @noles_seniorclass!