Last Thursday, a stink bomb went off in the Health Academy building, and it made the whole place smell excruciatingly terrible. Students and teachers were really freaking out as the awful smell spread throughout the Health Academy building’s halls and classrooms. Some had to step outside because it was just too bad.
Noelle Juarez, a health academy sophomore, says: “My whole class had to go outside just a little bit of time sitting inside, because we could not do anything with the unbearable smell. We all just had our noses in our shirts and we were trying our best to not smell it. Eventually we had to head outside because we could not handle it. Also, it was not just us outside, there were way more classes too. Basically, the whole building had to be outside because the smell was just too strong. We were all escaping the horrendous smell.”
At first, nobody knew what was going on. Some people thought something was burning, while others thought it was a science experiment gone wrong. But soon, everyone realized it was just a prank. Someone set off a stink bomb.
The teachers attempted to keep everyone calm, but students were running out of their classrooms to escape the disgusting, strong smell. Some teachers kept their doors shut, hoping that the smell wouldn’t come inside. Others just let their students go outside because it was impossible to focus.`
While some students found it absolutely hilarious, others found the smell to be annoying. Some students could barely concentrate on their work, and a few even covered their noses with their shirts. The stink bomb’s smell lingered for a while, making it difficult for anyone in the building to ignore. Even students in nearby hallways said they caught a whiff of the nasty odor.
Bryanna Kalisiak, a health academy senior, says: “I could not focus with the smell, it was so strong and unbearable. I could not get any of my work done that day, it was so bad.”
Many students began speculating about who might have done it, with some throwing out random guesses while others claimed to know the culprit. However, no real evidence had come up for a while, and the person behind the prank remained a mystery. Some believed it was just a silly joke, while others think the culprit was trying to get out of class. Either way, the school remained looking for answers.
The administrators were warning everybody that once they find the culprit, there will be severe consequences. They had also reminded the students that disrupting the school environment isn’t funny and could lead to punishments like detention or suspension. Pulling a prank of this extent is a really big deal and should not be taken lightly at all as it disrupted such a large percent of the school. That is why such punishments and warnings were being brought forth to ensure it does not happen again.
Finally, a couple of days later, the school figured out who was behind this anonymous prank! The students received their consequences and were used as an example of what not to do if they do not want to get in such trouble.
Even though the smell eventually went away, people are still talking about it. Some think that this prank was one of the funniest things to happen all year, while others just hope something like this does not happen again. Whether it was a harmless joke or an unnecessary distraction, one thing is for sure, nobody in the Health Academy building will forget about the stink bomb anytime soon. Let’s hope that something like this doesn’t happen again any time soon!