Christmastime brings the promise of presents in decorative wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows. The latest trending items are cleared from the shelf, but what happens to all the packaging after? Christmas is one of the largest economic stimulants in America but also creates a large amount of waste. Despite this, there are many ways to be environmentally conscious.
For those who don’t know, sustainability can be defined as the “the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance” ( Sustainability in the terms of Christmas shopping is a practice you can use to make sure that you are gifting with purpose.

(Abra Stalker)
Staying sustainable is a great method to save money when Christmas shopping and doesn’t require much more effort. The following methods can help you to stay sustainable this Christmas.
Places such as thrift and antique shops sell items at a fraction of the price. Buying items second hand is a great way to reduce waste and save unwanted items from going to landfills. If you look close enough, there are plenty of hidden gems. Another advantage of thrifting is you can find items to upcycle and restore.
Plan out your gifts
Having an idea of what you want to gift everyone instead of just buying as you go can help you to stay on budget and have less waste in the end. Having a general list of what the person enjoys, or a theme, can make sure you don’t go overboard.
Handmade Gifts

Hand making your gifts is not only fun but also allows you full creative control over your gift.
Some handmade gift examples include:
- Coasters
- Crochet/Sewn items
- Embroidery
- Baked goods
- Soaps
- Arts and Crafts
These DIY products can also incorporate materials that you already have and need to get rid of. There are so many DIY ideas on apps like Pinterest and Lemon8 that can help you get your imagination flowing.
Repurpose and Recycle Packaging:
Packaging can be reused in many different ways, and boxes can even be reused for storage. Shoe boxes or doll boxes can make for great storage containers for paper or other lightweight items. Make sure to recycle any leftover cardboard or plastic waste you can. Doing your part in repurposing and recycling can make a huge impact on reducing your imprint on the earth.
Buy practically

(Abra Stalker)
Not everyone has the time to make their gifts, so if you are going to shop from big brands, make sure that what you’re buying is useful. Trending gifts like Stanley’s and tote bags may be more pricey, but they will be reused. In the end, it’s the thought that counts, so remember to be intentional with your gifts and choose quality over quantity when you can.
Ultimately, when Christmas shopping, setting the intention to have sustainability in mind makes all the difference. You don’t have to go out of your way to be sustainable with your purchases.