Learn how to avoid senioritis!

Ariyen Jimenez

Learn how to avoid senioritis!

Lillian Rue Leonard, Reporter/Editor

Everything comes to an end for seniors; twelve years of learning; hundreds of grades. Seniors, we get it! You are tired of high school, and ready for the exciting new chapters of your life. Whether you’re going to college, trade school, the service, or a gap year, you are ready for the freedom that comes along with graduating from highschool. Therefore, it is not surprising that students begin to slow down and feel unmotivated during senior year. Dubbed ‘senioritis’, this phenomenon is common in any graduating class. 


The term ‘senioritis’ first came to be when a graduating class in a smalltown in Virginia, performed a musical called ‘senioritis’. This musical executed the stress of senior year in high school comically. The play, written by Glen Hochkeppel, furthered the awareness of how much motivation and work senior year actually requires. 


Health Academy senior Rayven Benson states the following: “I am so ready to graduate, and am counting the days till I walk across that stage. Everyday I seem less, and less motivated to do my work, especially since I already have my hard years of high school completed.” 


Benso also states that she has already been accepted into college, attributing that to the reason why her motivation decreases everyday. Although this is a logical reason to not want to complete homework, it still important to  recognize the importance of getting work done. Completing school, and homework is still very important to maintaining an impressive, and steady GPA. Senior year is the last stretch! End strong Noles!