Izma Shakil

To help stop the spread if the coronavirus, the CDC is beginning to enforce social-distancing up to 6 feet apart.

Anusha Sikand, Reporter

Amidst the spread of the coronavirus, many have taken part in self-quarantine to prevent its spread. Entire populations are practicing social distancing in an attempt to be good samaritans and promote safety in this time of global crisis. Self-isolation also allows for those who are more susceptible such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, to have a reduced chance of getting the virus. 

The main difference between isolation and quarantine is that isolation separates the sick from those who are healthy. In contrast, quarantine restricts the movement of those who may have the virus to ensure that it is not spread by those who are infected. Individuals coming from international flights and cruises have been subjected to quarantine to ensure the virus was not brought back from their trips. While travel is not advisable as it aids the spread of the virus, many people are forced to take flights to come back home, and health care professionals are traveling to countries in need of assistance.

“In this time of crisis self-isolation is key in protecting those unable to protect themselves. I am so thankful for people such as health care professionals who are risking their lives every day to protect Americans. This is a time to come together and I am sure our unity as a country will overcome the epidemic,” said senior Tanya Charan

Many healthcare workers are forced to isolate themselves from their loved ones in fear of infecting them due to long hours spent surrounded by infected patients. There have been many reported cases of healthcare professionals contracting the virus by mistaking the virus’s symptoms as the flu causing many health care professionals to contract the virus, and due to the shortage in tests, many people remain undiagnosed. 

Policies have been initiated by Florida, the United States government, and the Center for Disease Control(CDC), to encourage social distancing by closing public schools tentatively until April 30th, which is subject to change upon reevaluation of the virus’s standing. President Trump predicts that this epidemic may last until June. Still, in order to contain the situation, an executive recommendation has been initiated to avoid unnecessary outings, keep a distance of six feet, and limit gatherings of more than ten people. The CDC recommends frequently washing hands and staying active during self-isolating. 

“I looked forward to spending time with my friends as we are heading towards the end of our high school careers; for some of us, it is the last time we will see each other. It is sad that we do not get to enjoy this time with our friends, and this situation has made our days lonely,” said senior Tanmayee Kolli.

For some, self-isolation can be difficult as social interaction unites people. Entertainment through board games and contacting family and friends can help alleviate the emotional distress of social distancing. It is important to keep the mind and body healthy when at home for days at a time. With schools closed, getting caught up on sleep and school work can help students improve second-semester grades. While some people are taking advantage of social distancing, isolation with family members can put stress on familial relationships. Isolation can also be dangerous for those who live in a toxic home environment and are unable to leave due to isolation. 

Overall, this is a very frightening time, as many are left in the dark about the severity of this epidemic. With health professionals, the government, and the CDC unsure of the danger the virus poses, uncertainty and fear have risen among Americans. By self-isolating, limiting outings, and frequently washing hands, Americans can protect themselves and their families from this mass epidemic.