On Thursday, January 9th, 2025 , at an in-school game against Deland, the Seminole Girls Basketball team played relentlessly and came out with a victory, scoring fifty-five points total. The Lady Noles played an extremely close game up until the fourth quarter where they beat Deland by thirteen points, ending with a final score of 55-42.
Deland came out hot in the first quarter going on a 7-0 run, resulting in a weaker defense for the Lady Noles. Here they drew several fouls, but it did not deter the team and by the end of the first quarter they bagged eleven points. The girls played similarly during the second quarter and were determined to defeat Deland.
The second half of the game was intense with Seminole’s unshakable determination. Defense picked up again, where they scored multiple fast-break layups and knocked down crucial free throws. Towards the end of the game, the Lady Noles were able to start scoring beyond the ark, knocking several three-pointers.
Majority of Seminole’s points came from the star of the game Hazel Gonzalez. Gonzalez scored twenty-two points, but close behind her was Ke’Ara Parker with seventeen points scored. Together they were an unstoppable offensive duo.
The Seminole Girls Basketball team played a relentless game. When asked their opinions on the game, Victoria Mejias responded, “We showed up and we played well even under pressure.”