In collaboration with TOP, The Seminole would like to offer you this quick PREZI presentation on the new event, ‘NOLES RECYCLE!
Click on the following link. Then, hit the play button to move through the slides!
Look for boxes in the following classrooms (as of November 27). In no particular order:
- Brinkerhoff
- Lauber
- Scofield
- Colwell
- Brooks
- Wolfe
- Ganey
- Hernandez
- Sudduth
- Sweigert
- Noll
- Cortese
- Prom
- Meahl
- Bordner
- Stokes
- Sawyer
- Futrell
- Langfield
- Balne
- Willard
- McClarty
- Gordon
- Bonjione
- Sanders
- Baron
- Marchant
- Klein
- Mamula
- Dalal
- Kane
- Ehinger
- Deblau
- Ortiz
- Brennan