Pep rallies are meant to excite the student population; however, the lack of pep rallies this year has taken a toll on school spirit.
October 20, 2017
Since the start of the 2017-18 year, many have noticed that school spirit seems to be missing in the student body; the cancelling of several pep rallies has had a decidedly negative on the overall spirit of student body. However, students should know that Leadership is doing everything they can to restore school spirit, and are planning more festivities for this school year.
Freshman Leadership member Sarah Drake was among those who voiced her concerns about the missing pep rallies.
“I like the pep rallies and think they’re fun, so I find it disappointing that there haven’t been any,” Drake said. “The lack of pep rallies is kind of boring.”
The responsibility of pep rallies falls into the hands of our campus Leadership. Leadership is in charge of planning and organizing school events like pep rallies, homecoming week themes, and the homecoming dance. They said that due to storm forecasts and other weather issues, such as Hurricane Irma, planned pep rallies were rained out and cancelled. They have been making attempts to reschedule and hopefully squeeze in pep rallies while football season is still upon us.
“We are currently trying to figure [upcoming pep rally dates] out. It depends on the football schedule,” said Sarah Porman, sophomore Leadership member.
However, Leadership thinks that the lack of pep rallies isn’t the entire problem. Rescheduling will only go so far, they say, if the students themselves lack spirit. Student participation in pep rallies is another challenge Leadership plans on tackling with upcoming events.
“There’s a lot of people engaged, but there are other people who just look bored,” Drake said.
Therefore, Leadership looks forward to implementing new and engaging ways to make up for the missing pep rallies and instill the sense of fierce school pride and spirit that Seminole has long been known for.
“[We will attempt this feat by] playing more games and planning a glow in the dark pep rally,” junior Leadership member Olivia Stier said.
With clear skies ahead, Leadership is making plans not only to reschedule cancelled pep rallies, but also to make them more enjoyable and memorable for Noles. Upcoming pep rallies include Pink-Out on Oct. 27, which will be held in conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Noles can look forward to standing strong in pink.