Seminole High School has adopted a new cell phone and WiFi policy which allows more usage of cell phones during the school day. What is the catch? These items are only to be in use during authorized time periods set forth by the administration. When asked her thoughts about the policy, Junior Taylor Simonds said “it’s not distracting for anybody to use electronics between classes so there was really no point in banning them in the first place.”
These time periods include lunch and as Simonds said, those crucial six minutes spent walking to classes. Junior Emily D’Angelo said of the policy, “I think it’s a great idea, because now we’re less tempted to use them in class because we know we can check them in between classes.” As always, cell phone usage/Justin Bieber ring tones going off in class time will result in immediate disciplinary action. This rule has not and will not change according to administration. Faculty and administration are not liable for any lost, damaged, or confiscated contraband items.
Seminole High School believes technology is a valuable educational tool and therefore WiFi is now available on campus. The same filter-restrictions on the computers in the Media Center are applied to this wireless internet connection on campus. This means resisting the urge to update one’s Facebook status as: “in Bio learning about ATP production. So hungry! Text it.” Students are expected to comply with basic netiquette and safety practices. These safety practices include withdrawing from sharing personal information and using the WiFi for educational purposes only. Users should not expect full privacy because monitoring of online activities is still in use.
When asked why SHS decided to adopt the new technology policy, Principal Mike Gaudreau said, “times have changed. It’s a way of life now.” On the topic of cheating, Gaudreau said, “With or without cell phones, it has always been evident in schools. I don’t believe sanctioning cell phone usage is sanctioning cheating. There is only so much we can do. I trust students will be responsible.”
As quickly as this new policy became adopted, it can be withdrawn just as fast. Always remember the use of these electronic resources is a privilege. Be sure to be responsible at all times, SHS!